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Create a Git Diff in Markdown

One of my favorite blogging tips is using diff formatting in GitHub flavored markdown. I use this to show what has changed in code snippets. This works for code snippets in most markdown packages and on Dev.to.

View on EggheadIf I wanted to show that I was changing a function from one thing to another, I could add a snippet that looks like this!
function addTwoNumbers (num1, num2) {
-  return 1 + 2
+  return num1 + num2

First, instead of specifying the programming language, use diff after the backticks. Then at the beginning of any lines of code you want to show as removed, add a -. At the beginning of any lines of code you want to show as added, add a +.

The code would look like this:

function addTwoNumbers (num1, num2) {
-  return 1 + 2
+  return num1 + num2

I have used this in tons of my coding tutorials, such as this one. It makes it a lot easier for readers to see what is changing from snippet to snippet.

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